As with the large appliances we look at the item we’re checking and it’s cord. For things like the electric kettle, I like to move it well away from any power outlet and fill it with water when checking it. This is something added we can do to reduce our anxiety indirectly.
As I’ve already indicated we’ll use the image of ice again to remind us that the small appliance is off. You can use ice to freeze anything from the toaster, coffee pot to hair straighteners. So place them well away from any power outlet then imagine a crust of ice frosting over it.
When we label a small appliance to our body we do things a little differently compared to the large appliances. For the electric kettle example, I would imagine a smaller replica of it sitting on top of my head. Still looking at real kettle I imagine ice frosting over the imaginary kettle coming all the way from the top to just above my eyebrows. Our skull becomes so frostbitten that it becomes brittle. Then we can imagine a hammer tapping our heads, eventually, it caves in with the replica kettle now sitting inside.
Seal of the area with an imaginary cap.
Again there could be a problem with running out of places to label all the small appliances too. Remember though that we usually don’t have to check every small appliance especially if we use this system on all the power outlets. Since we cave in small appliances into our body parts we can use our shoulders to label too as well. Women can even use the top of their breasts