Do NOT use this variation if you have harm OCD or are under 16 years of age. Use the ‘Soft Variation‘ instead.
Look at all the dials on the oven to make sure it’s off. Keep looking at the dials until the rest of the check is finished.
Put your foot right next to the oven so it’s actually in contact with it. Now imagine a giant sheet office crusting over the controls working its way down over the entire oven. You can hear it crusting over as well. Make up a sound that makes sense to you, it’s your imagination.
Since your foot is right next to the oven it also becomes covered within this crust of ice. You don’t stop looking at the oven dials though. You see your frostbitten foot purely in your imagination. Your foot is now frostbitten and stuck to the frozen oven. Now physically pull your foot away from oven (actually physically do this.) As you pull your foot away imagine your big toe snaps off and remains stuck to the oven. Then feel and see (in your imagination) the ice seeping into your foot leaving it flush with the surface as it turns a dark black and blue color. Finally, see a hammer knock off the rest of your frostbitten toes off one by one.
Again we finish by sealing off the area with an imaginary piece of amour, just like a Transformer from the movies. Should we start to feel anxious and worry that the oven may still be left on all we do is open the imaginary seal on our foot, see and feel our toe-less frostbitten foot in our imagination). All this information will confirm to us that the stove is safely off since we know we ‘labeled’ this information to our body at the same time we checked the oven’s dials. We don’t focus on our oven at home, just our frost-bitten foot.